Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Is Here...

Where oh Where does the time go??? School is out for my girls and summer is upon us. I love the lazy days of summer, but I have to admit I miss being on a schedule. Our summer will be filled with Vacation Bible School, Swim Classes, Performing Arts Camp and Playdates with Friends. I hope this time of year finds you enjoying the sunshine and hopefully some time by the beach or a pool.

I have been busy processing WhateverZ! Custom Creations orders- many of the recent orders include bling bling. Little girls (well, I guess big girls too) just LOVE bling! The new Birthday shirts are a huge hit. I have done several orders for baseball teams, gyms, non-profits and such. I have to say a logo looks so great in bling. It really shines!

Here's some pictures of recent orders I have been making...

Our Favorite Monogrammed Slippers